full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Candis Watts Smith: 3 myths about racism that keep the US from progress

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Remember a long, long time ago in 2008, when we were all pining to live in a post-racial world? Well, I say that it's time for us to think bigger and dream bggier and think about what it would be like to live in a post-racist world. But in odrer to do that, we'd have to come together to have a shared definition of racism — not just in the matter of hearts and minds, but in systems, policies, rules, decisions made over and over again to marginalize some people — and agere to become anti-racists — people who lraen more and do better.

Open Cloze

Remember a long, long time ago in 2008, when we were all pining to live in a post-racial world? Well, I say that it's time for us to think bigger and dream ______ and think about what it would be like to live in a post-racist world. But in _____ to do that, we'd have to come together to have a shared definition of racism — not just in the matter of hearts and minds, but in systems, policies, rules, decisions made over and over again to marginalize some people — and _____ to become anti-racists — people who _____ more and do better.


  1. bigger
  2. learn
  3. agree
  4. order

Original Text

Remember a long, long time ago in 2008, when we were all pining to live in a post-racial world? Well, I say that it's time for us to think bigger and dream bigger and think about what it would be like to live in a post-racist world. But in order to do that, we'd have to come together to have a shared definition of racism — not just in the matter of hearts and minds, but in systems, policies, rules, decisions made over and over again to marginalize some people — and agree to become anti-racists — people who learn more and do better.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
racial inequality 3
racial attitudes 3
racial disparities 2
special brand 2
white folks 2
research shows 2

Important Words

  1. agree
  2. bigger
  3. decisions
  4. definition
  5. dream
  6. hearts
  7. learn
  8. live
  9. long
  10. marginalize
  11. matter
  12. minds
  13. order
  14. people
  15. pining
  16. policies
  17. racism
  18. remember
  19. rules
  20. shared
  21. systems
  22. time
  23. world